Pilanita and the White Dragon

Pilanita was hitch-hicking, sweating under the heat in khanom and White Dragon saw her, felt sorry for her and stopped.
As both of them are heading to Malysia, he decided to support her on her budget trip and take Pilanita with him all the way to the south so she doesnt have to pay for plain tickets to Kuala Lumpur.
Pilanita and the frog : Wendy, the second! (Dont ask what happen with Wendy the first, Pilanita is still crying when she remembers her;( )

Wendy the second wanted to travel all over Asia and jumped into Pilanita's bag . She didnt know she was in danger!! Pilanita saw her while packing and rescued her from dying of asphyxia . Wendy, the second, was so grateful that she decide to become Pilanita's guide while she is travelling in Thailand and joined her in her adventure.